As an advocate of lifelong learning, Kim maintains a keen interest in current vocal research, methodologies and latest pedagogical practice. To this end, she attends regular, ongoing training such as the following:
- BVA “Voice Clinics Forum” day (Wynthenshawe Hospital, Manchester UK)
- CVT “Voice Research Workshop” (Nottingham UK)
- BVA “How The Breath Inspires” (Baden Powell Conference Centre, London UK)
- BVA “Study Day: From Pathology To Performance” (Baden Powell Conference Centre, London UK)
- Vocal Process “How We Diagnose” (Webinar)
- BVA “I See A Voice – Practical Acoustics for Speech and Singing” (Baden Powell Conference Centre, London UK)
- BVA “Voice Clinics Forum” day (Wynthenshawe Hospital, Manchester)
- “Psychogenic Voice Disorders” 2-day course (Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow UK)
- “9th Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC9)” 3-day event (Marseille, France)
- BVA Study Day on “Laryngeal Irritation” (Baden Powell Conference Centre, London UK)
- Vocal workshop for VOICELAB (Royal Festival Hall, London UK)
- ANATS “Balansing Act: National Conference” 3-day event (Bardon Conference Centre, Brisbane Australia)
- BVA “Choice for Voice 2010” 3-day conference (Royal Academy of Music, London UK)
- Vocal Process “The Developing Voice” with Dr. Jenevora Williams (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London UK)
- Independent Dyslexia Services “Dyslexia, SpLDs and Contemporary Music Training” (Tech Music Schools, London UK)
- BVA “Interactive Rock and Pop” day (“Headliners” Comedy Club, Chiswick UK)
- “8th Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC8)” 3-day event (Dresden, Germany)
- BVA Study Day “Tricks of the Trade” (International Student House, London UK)
- “Practice Makes Perfect” – Meribeth Dayme (London UK)
- BVA “Seeing and Hearing Voice” (University College London UK)
- “Occupational Voice Symposium” (University College London UK)
- Vocal Process “Computer Voice Training” (London UK)
- “Complete Vocal Technique” workshop with Cathrine Sadolin (London UK)
- BVA “Choice for Voice 2008” 3-day conference (Guildhall School of Music, London UK)
- BVA “Voice Clinic Forum” (Hammersmith Hospital, London UK)
- Vocal Process “Muscles Alive” with Jacob Lieberman (University of London UK)
- Vocal Process “Voice of Violence” with Lise Olson (London UK)
- BVA “Interactive Rock and Pop” day (Royal Academy of Music, London UK)
- “7th Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC7)” 3-day event (Groeningen, Netherlands)
- BVA Study Day (Royal Academy of Music, London UK)
- Netvotech Day (Institute of Education, London UK)
- “Mapping Complexity: Recent Developments in the Estill Voice Model” (Royal Marsden Hospital, London UK)
- “Articulation: The unexplored key to vocal efficiency” with Ron Morris (Novartis Foundation)
- “Teaching Excellence” (London College of Music, 2006)
- “Accent Method” with Matthew Reeve and Klaus Moller (Mountview Academy, London UK)
- “Performance Psychology” (Tech Music School, London UK)
- Dr. Meribeth Dayme masterclass (Mayfair, London UK)
- “6th Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC6)” 3-day event (Royal Academy of Music, London UK)
- “Breathing, Support and Estill” (Royal Academy of Music, London UK)
- “Estill Demonstration Day” (Royal Academy of Music, London UK)
- Dr. Meribeth Dayme “Vocal Anatomy for Singers” 3-day course (London UK)
- “Presence in Performance” (London UK)
- BVA “Rock, Pop and Noise” 3-day conference (Royal Academy of Music, London UK)
- “Take 6” Workshop on Vocal Arranging (Symphony Hall, Birmingham UK)
- “Speech Level Singing” master class by Seth Riggs and Dave Stroud (Royal Academy of Music, London UK)
- Vocal Process “Advanced Core Training” weekend course (Academy of Contemporary Music, Guildford UK)
- “Speech Level Singing” – Masterclasses by Dave Stroud (Royal Academy of Music, London UK, 2003 and 2000)
- Vocal Process “Process to Pop” by Gill Main (London UK, 2003)
- Vocal Process “Belting Explained” (London UK, 2002)
- “Estill Voice Craft” Certificate Levels 1 and 2 (Royal Academy of Music, London UK, 2001)
- “Art of Teaching Singing” Certificate – Semester long course (London College of Music UK, 2001)
- “Alexander Technique” – Malcolm Williamson (London College of Music, 2000)
- Master of Music in Singing Performance with Distinction (London College of Music, 2001), awarded the Postgraduate Prize
- Bachelor of Music Education (University of Queensland, 1987)
- AMusA (Associate Diploma in flute, 1987)
- Member of the British Voice Association
- Member of PPL